Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 1, 2014 1 Peter 4:10 Our Talents....God's Gifts

1 Peter 4:10

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace......

And this is where we waste a lot of time.... What is our gift? What gift has God bestowed on us? What category does it fit in? What is the best quiz to take to identify it....to reconfirmed it....or to maybe identify us another one....

We analyze and analyze and analyze.....all the while the very gifts that He has bestowed on us wait....and the world moves on in spite of our inaction.

We know when we are amongst someone gifted by the Father...whether it be someone gifted by preaching, teaching or loving to watch them do what God has created them to do is to experience a bit of heaven on earth. Tae's gift was with children...and not just any children but children that were seemingly unloved especially those with special needs. I've seen her walk in a room that reduces most grown men and women into tears and that is where she would shine the brightest....I don't ever remember her taking a test or quiz to figure it out but I remember one time after our Special Friend's Class at Ridgecrest Baptist she said with the biggest smile "That is what heaven will be like!" That is where she felt closest to God.... Always did.

God gave us gifts and talents to go and do.....to use them to serve others...to further His kingdom....His Name. I'm not saying that it is wrong to seek guidance and help if you are having difficulty finding where you fit....but I do think most of us have a pretty clear idea where that is......it is that place when you feel like this is what I was created to do....and truthfully, it is probably not the most glamorous, worldly popular nor worldly recognizable deed....but it is the deed that is recognized by the King...... I find that it is in moments apart from others, in quiet corners, cardboard houses or amongst mounds trash....day in and day out.....that I see God's hand upon my life.... Perseverance, when no one is looking, when the days run together...yet, the faces become more and more familiar..... Does the desire to reach beyond normal boundaries count as a spiritual gift? I don't know......but I do know that God has blessed me with this desire from as young as I can remember.....and this is where I feel closest to God. This is where I feel in my spirit.... This is what I was created to do.

So what is it? What talent do you have that God has given you to further His kingdom? If you already know it, are you using it to its furthest potential? Do you hide it waiting for the perfect opportunity to use it? Do you help your children identify their talents and help them explore ways that they can use them for God's glory?

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