Tuesday, September 2, 2014

August 31, 2014 1 Peter 4:9 Unexpected Guests......

1 Peter 4:9

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.

I'm too busy. Our house isn't big enough. We've had a long week. The kids are cranky. We haven't grocery shopped this week. I haven't had a shower yet. The games on TV....... and so we don't offer hospitality to our friends and neighbors.

Yet, real hospitality....the hospitality that Peter talks about isn't entertaining guests in our home it is hospitality.... It is inviting them in when they come to our door and offering them what we have to offer...... It is inviting them over when the Holy Spirit prompts us even when we have a million personal reasons not to.....

We focus on them....their needs and not our own. Of course, this is what we do when we entertain people at our house, yes? We bring out our best food, plates.....our best for them to experience. But what about when you haven't planned, when it isn't your idea, when your best isn't ready to be presented.....or can't even be found?

House is messy? Kids unruly? Only water to drink? What about then?

This is when I believe true hospitality comes alive.... For some of us, it comes easy...for the rest of us, we must allow Christ to work through us in order to allow it to happen.

I've seen vast differences in hospitality while living here. For those who have come to serve with us down here, you've experienced it. The hospitality extended even though material possessions are greatly limited. The warmth extended even though furniture is sparse. The sharing of food even when it isn't plentiful. Is this how we do hospitality? All the time?
Yes, some of it is cultural....but that is only found in the type of offering-tortillas as opposed to pie:). We are all called to help meet the needs of those God sends our way.... A place to stay (even if just for a moment), something to eat or drink (even if it is all we have) or just a listening ear....and we are called to it without grumbling....

We are called to be Christians, salt of this world, light in a dark world, His hands and feet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week..... It is not a 9 to 5 gig.... It doesn't end with the evening news....

Hebrews 13:2 reminds us that we shouldn't forget to entertain strangers for in doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it....and that's pretty cool. Remember, it really isn't about us at all.....never has been.

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