1 Timothy 6:19
In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
So that we might take hold of the life that is truly life.
In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
So that we might take hold of the life that is truly life.
Hard to imagine, isn't it? A life better than this? A life that is so
much more than we live today that it is considered the true life and
this is simply the shadows leading up to it.
Hard to imagine.
Especially when we put so much into this life. Creating our world so that it is as perfect as we can make it. We strive to become self-sufficient and self-aware while searching to answer the questions that linger inside our souls. And, yet, this is not our true life.
We create personal masterpieces in the ways of our homes, careers, families, our bodies and sometimes our churches. We expend our time and energy searching for the next big thing, whatever that might be. We are constantly searching for the "thing" that will allow us to arrive, allow us to be still, allow us to fit in and be content.
When God told Noah to build an ark, Noah sat out to obey his command. He built and labored amidst hecklers and unbelievers, yet he stayed steadfast and on point. He knew to Whom he listened. He knew what really mattered. He knew the voice of His Lord so well that he completed the task without a single drop of rain as encouragement or confirmation. He obeyed.
I'm afraid today many of us would approach the task in a multitude of ways. We would try to walk on both sides of the fence. We would build the ark but we would try to find a way that would also appease the hecklers. We would find a way suitable to them that would either involve them, entertain them or at the very least be hospitable to them in some manner....when sometimes, just maybe, there are to be moments that cause uncomfortableness deep in ones soul. Moments that require a response from the person within instead of being glossed over by others for fear of causing discomfort.
Or, perhaps, we would want to see confirmation. Just one drop of rain. One drop of water. Clouds forming in the distant. We'd get our inner circle together and pray about it and discuss it. We would read books about it. We would gather in the troops...the real builders to oversee it. We would make it our project instead of God's or we wouldn't even make it to the point of making it a project at all.
There is a Voice that speaks directly to our soul. Do we listen? Do we even recognize it and know when to listen? And then how do we react? Our true life awaits....will we choose to live it.
Live worthy.
Hard to imagine.
Especially when we put so much into this life. Creating our world so that it is as perfect as we can make it. We strive to become self-sufficient and self-aware while searching to answer the questions that linger inside our souls. And, yet, this is not our true life.
We create personal masterpieces in the ways of our homes, careers, families, our bodies and sometimes our churches. We expend our time and energy searching for the next big thing, whatever that might be. We are constantly searching for the "thing" that will allow us to arrive, allow us to be still, allow us to fit in and be content.
When God told Noah to build an ark, Noah sat out to obey his command. He built and labored amidst hecklers and unbelievers, yet he stayed steadfast and on point. He knew to Whom he listened. He knew what really mattered. He knew the voice of His Lord so well that he completed the task without a single drop of rain as encouragement or confirmation. He obeyed.
I'm afraid today many of us would approach the task in a multitude of ways. We would try to walk on both sides of the fence. We would build the ark but we would try to find a way that would also appease the hecklers. We would find a way suitable to them that would either involve them, entertain them or at the very least be hospitable to them in some manner....when sometimes, just maybe, there are to be moments that cause uncomfortableness deep in ones soul. Moments that require a response from the person within instead of being glossed over by others for fear of causing discomfort.
Or, perhaps, we would want to see confirmation. Just one drop of rain. One drop of water. Clouds forming in the distant. We'd get our inner circle together and pray about it and discuss it. We would read books about it. We would gather in the troops...the real builders to oversee it. We would make it our project instead of God's or we wouldn't even make it to the point of making it a project at all.
There is a Voice that speaks directly to our soul. Do we listen? Do we even recognize it and know when to listen? And then how do we react? Our true life awaits....will we choose to live it.
Live worthy.
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