1 Timothy 6:17
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
We can be so sure of ourselves. So sure of our life, our schedule, our world and our priorities.
We live as if guaranteed tomorrow, guaranteed the rest of today and promised our next breath. We find security in our homes, communities and cars focusing in out achievements and successes or lamenting on what we could or should have had.
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
We can be so sure of ourselves. So sure of our life, our schedule, our world and our priorities.
We live as if guaranteed tomorrow, guaranteed the rest of today and promised our next breath. We find security in our homes, communities and cars focusing in out achievements and successes or lamenting on what we could or should have had.
Our lives focus on the promises of this world. Promises of happiness
and happy ever afters that seem to come true for some and fall short for
others. We to often guide ourselves by what is seen on TV or
mainstream idealizing what it would be like if.
If we had more money.
If we had a better body.
If we had more loving family relationships.
If we better friends, a faster car, more this, more that.
A better life.
If only. If only none of that mattered to us. If only we could look at our life, the cards that we have to play and step up to the plate to play the biggest game of our life. Because that, dear ones, is what it is....no do overs. One shot.
One shot and then for some of us the opportunity to sit back and reflect on the choices that we've made. Choices that will reflect how the definition on wealth changes as we become closer to our Father. Wealth that the world will tell must look and smell shiny new but instead is found in a Hope that is older than the world. A Hope that never fades.
Can you imagine a better life than living one that can not be tarnished, dimmed nor crushed by this world? A life that is so focused on the Hope of Christ that the rest is just fog that fails to penetrate and simply disappears. That kind of life. A life so steeped in His provisional grace that, looking neither left or right, God's love oozes out of us. Do you feel His love oozing today?
Of course, today is Monday, the kids aren't in school yet, the car broke down, new job, dying parent or child and the list goes on and on. But, these are all things of this world. Each and every one. None eternal. Focus instead on what is eternal and when we only focus there life has a completely different perspective.
A perspective that can't be bought.
Live different.
If we had more money.
If we had a better body.
If we had more loving family relationships.
If we better friends, a faster car, more this, more that.
A better life.
If only. If only none of that mattered to us. If only we could look at our life, the cards that we have to play and step up to the plate to play the biggest game of our life. Because that, dear ones, is what it is....no do overs. One shot.
One shot and then for some of us the opportunity to sit back and reflect on the choices that we've made. Choices that will reflect how the definition on wealth changes as we become closer to our Father. Wealth that the world will tell must look and smell shiny new but instead is found in a Hope that is older than the world. A Hope that never fades.
Can you imagine a better life than living one that can not be tarnished, dimmed nor crushed by this world? A life that is so focused on the Hope of Christ that the rest is just fog that fails to penetrate and simply disappears. That kind of life. A life so steeped in His provisional grace that, looking neither left or right, God's love oozes out of us. Do you feel His love oozing today?
Of course, today is Monday, the kids aren't in school yet, the car broke down, new job, dying parent or child and the list goes on and on. But, these are all things of this world. Each and every one. None eternal. Focus instead on what is eternal and when we only focus there life has a completely different perspective.
A perspective that can't be bought.
Live different.
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