1 Peter 2:16-17
Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.
There is freedom found in Christ. True freedom. Many people will look at Christianity and see rules, dos and donts.....judgement. But they have been blinded to the Truth....
Christ's word is constant....today, tomorrow,...the same. While I am being tempted by satan, when I fall to his temptation and sin to the moment when you repent....He does not change..... It was, it is, it will forever be. However, this world is not. Satan is not. When we are being tempted by satan, he will masquerade as light, as goodness, as freedom. When we succumb to sin.... When we act and it brings shame to our Creator, satan rejoices for himself but as for us....he condemns us, he ridicules, he reminds us how weak we are, how unworthy, how disappointing we must be.... his words are not constant... They aren't truth and they will change however they need to in order to bring sin upon this world........passive aggressive at its finest.
I have many times seen the destruction of abortion. We all know where God stands on the issue... But satan will tell you that it is your body, your right, your freedom...... Until the moment that it is too late, and in the dark of the night, he condemns....his message changes.... Time and time again, I've held women in my arms crying because of the lies that were woven that cost their child's life....and the people and friends that initially supported them in their "rightful" decision are gone....and they are alone.
The same with prositution, affairs, "having it all in this world".... And the list goes on and on....
So when we completely turn our lives over to Christ and become a willing vessel for Him to fill....we start living in Truth.... On a foundation that is secure... The message is what it is....no matter what our response has been...it does not change.
And in this, we find the greatest freedom. No longer are we shackled by the bondages of this world whose lies try to entrap us but rather live according to our Father's desires...... The desires in which we were created to live.
Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.
There is freedom found in Christ. True freedom. Many people will look at Christianity and see rules, dos and donts.....judgement. But they have been blinded to the Truth....
Christ's word is constant....today, tomorrow,...the same. While I am being tempted by satan, when I fall to his temptation and sin to the moment when you repent....He does not change..... It was, it is, it will forever be. However, this world is not. Satan is not. When we are being tempted by satan, he will masquerade as light, as goodness, as freedom. When we succumb to sin.... When we act and it brings shame to our Creator, satan rejoices for himself but as for us....he condemns us, he ridicules, he reminds us how weak we are, how unworthy, how disappointing we must be.... his words are not constant... They aren't truth and they will change however they need to in order to bring sin upon this world........passive aggressive at its finest.
I have many times seen the destruction of abortion. We all know where God stands on the issue... But satan will tell you that it is your body, your right, your freedom...... Until the moment that it is too late, and in the dark of the night, he condemns....his message changes.... Time and time again, I've held women in my arms crying because of the lies that were woven that cost their child's life....and the people and friends that initially supported them in their "rightful" decision are gone....and they are alone.
The same with prositution, affairs, "having it all in this world".... And the list goes on and on....
So when we completely turn our lives over to Christ and become a willing vessel for Him to fill....we start living in Truth.... On a foundation that is secure... The message is what it is....no matter what our response has been...it does not change.
And in this, we find the greatest freedom. No longer are we shackled by the bondages of this world whose lies try to entrap us but rather live according to our Father's desires...... The desires in which we were created to live.

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