Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 21, 2014

1 Peter 3:20-22

....In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also-not removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. it saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at God's right hand-with angels, authorities and powers in submission to Him.

Baptism- demonstrating public obedience to our Father....outwardly demonstrating our belief and faith to Him for all to see

I remember when Tae was a child and first realized that she understood and wanted to be a Christian... It seems that sometimes in our world when children decided to accept Christ...we hesitate. Do they really believe? Do they really understand? Are they only doing it because they saw someone else do it? I remember questioning her and questioning her.....and finally, my precious, strong-willed little girl looked at me and said, "Mom, why can't I believe too?' Wow. Yes, why can't you believe, too. Let the little children come.....overcoming the "worldliness" that tries to make it more complicated than it is. She her heart, she knew. It was many years later at Camp Barnabus that she turned her life over to God, but on that day...she became a believer and was baptized.

The day that we are baptized there is no question or hesitation in thought on whether or not we are believers. We demonstrate in a fairly outward action our obedience to Our Father. Yes, I am a Christian. What if we were to continue that outward demonstration of our faith in our daily lives? Do we mirror Christ in our every day actions? In the days of Noah, would we be one of the eight that were saved?

We talk about how the world today is so evil and times are difficult...but in the days of Noah...only eight were found found favor...Eight. Can you imagine a world of evilness and craziness in which only eight are found worthy? In Genesis 6, we are told that every inclination of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil all the time. Only evil...all the time.

As Christians, as believers, as followers of Christ, we are called to outwardly demonstrate our faith in that others might that we encourage others to believe instead of causing them to stumble in their quest of faith... (Really, he's a Christian?, I didn't realize...She goes to church? That's a surprise?)... Every day actions, every day thoughts, every day obedience.

Where do we fail in this? Do we fail in this? We live in a family even serves in a country...where we can outwardly declare Christ as King as loud and as strong as our heart's desire. We can openly own and read the Bible. We can be baptized in public and not anticipate the burning of our homes....or the killing of our families. We have the freedom to study His word and hide it in our hearts.... Why don't we cease the moment? Why don't we?

I worry that we are not being strengthened as believers..... Our discipline in our faith is at our own peril.....and many times takes a backseat to life. But what happens when the day of persecution comes? What happens when the days when the ability to openly read and own Bibles is no more? Will we be ready? Will our strength be found in God? If we had to recreate the Bible on scraps of tissue paper...could we? I pray that God's protection will fall upon us.....but what if this incredible time of religious freedom that we have been gifted with is actually a time of preparation? Generation upon generation. Let's not let the trappings of this world keep us from why we are truly here on this earth.... It isn't to buy the biggest house, to always have the newest model of car, to gain the next promotion.... These things are nice and wonderful blessings....but don't let our blessings become trappings.

Start memorizing scripture again....hide God's word in our hearts....have it constantly on the forefront of our when the day comes, Truth is our foundation no matter what the earthly "foundation" may appear to be like.
Photo: 1 Peter 3:20-22

....In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also-not removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God.  it saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at God's right hand-with angels, authorities and powers in submission to Him.

Baptism- demonstrating public obedience to our Father....outwardly demonstrating our belief and faith to Him for all to see

I remember when Tae was a child and first realized that she understood and wanted to be a Christian... It seems that sometimes in our world when children decided to accept Christ...we hesitate.  Do they really believe? Do they really understand? Are they only doing it because they saw someone else do it?  I remember questioning her and questioning her.....and finally, my precious, strong-willed little girl looked at me and said, "Mom, why can't I believe too?'  Wow.  Yes, why can't you believe, too.  Let the little children come.....overcoming the "worldliness" that tries to make it more complicated than it is.  She her heart, she knew.  It was many years later at Camp Barnabus that she turned her life over to God, but on that day...she became a believer and was baptized.

The day that we are baptized there is no question or hesitation in thought on whether or not we are believers.  We demonstrate in a fairly outward action our obedience to Our Father.  Yes, I am a Christian.  What if we were to continue that outward demonstration of our faith in our daily lives?  Do we mirror Christ in our every day actions?  In the days of Noah, would we be one of the eight that were saved?  

We talk about how the world today is so evil and times are difficult...but in the days of Noah...only eight were found found favor...Eight.  Can you imagine a world of evilness and craziness in which only eight are found worthy? In Genesis 6, we are told that every inclination of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil all the time.  Only evil...all the time.  

As Christians, as believers, as followers of Christ, we are called to outwardly demonstrate our faith in that others might that we encourage others to believe instead of causing them to stumble in their quest of faith... (Really, he's a Christian?, I didn't realize...She goes to church? That's a surprise?)... Every day actions, every day thoughts, every day obedience.  

Where do we fail in this?  Do we fail in this?  We live in a family even serves in a country...where we can outwardly declare Christ as King as loud and as strong as our heart's desire.  We can openly own and read the Bible.  We can be baptized in public and not anticipate the burning of our homes....or the killing of our families.  We have the freedom to study His word and hide it in our hearts.... Why don't we cease the moment?  Why don't we?

I worry that we are not being strengthened as believers.....  Our discipline in our faith is at our own peril.....and many times takes a backseat to life.  But what happens when the day of persecution comes?  What happens when the days when the ability to openly read and own Bibles is no more?  Will we be ready?  Will our strength be found in God?  If we had to recreate the Bible on scraps of tissue paper...could we?  I pray that God's protection will fall upon us.....but what if this incredible time of religious freedom that we have been gifted with is actually a time of preparation?  Generation upon generation.  Let's not let the trappings of this world keep us from why we are truly here on this earth.... It isn't to buy the biggest house, to always have the newest model of car, to gain the next promotion.... These things are nice and wonderful blessings....but don't let our blessings become trappings.

Start memorizing scripture again....hide God's word in our hearts....have it constantly on the forefront of our when the day comes, Truth is our foundation no matter what the earthly "foundation" may appear to be like.

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