1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.
It is amazing, enlightening....empowering, yet, almost daunting how much of our walk with Christ is action on our part. Choices. Goodness doesn't just happen. Obedience doesn't just fall into place. Serenity and peace do not come naturally. While we live as children of God, we live within our own free will....and the choices we make within that free will determines how we experience this life.
Set apart in your hearts Christ as Lord. Such a simple sentence but such a profound action. Have we done this? Do our lives mirror this? Every day.....every where?
Life without Tae has been difficult. Yes, we are doing ok and fully place our trust in Him....but I have learned that this is a daily action....sometimes an hourly action. Christ is my Lord. Period. With that statement, comes with the belief that the Bible and words in it are Truth. Period. No deviation. I'm not talking about man's interpretations or how satan has managed to play on words.....but the pure word of God. There is a difference. Satan tries to weave doubt in our minds....but my heart has long been set on my Lord.
I don't even allow myself to look "left or right" anymore....that time has passed. There was a time in my early walk with God that I would entertain other possibilities or thoughts but the more I have experienced who He is and have seen what He has done.... No, this is my Lord and this who I will follow. Period. I realize this is outside of the current political correctness but....either He is or isn't.
My mind goes to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing persecution today. Dying for their steadfast belief in who is Lord of their life. I have no doubt that the faithfulness of God is pouring out upon them. While we look on through a worldly view lens, our Father in heaven protects His saints...... He has those who have set their hearts on Him as Lord of their lives in the palm of His hand. And, we can rest assured of that.
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.
It is amazing, enlightening....empowering, yet, almost daunting how much of our walk with Christ is action on our part. Choices. Goodness doesn't just happen. Obedience doesn't just fall into place. Serenity and peace do not come naturally. While we live as children of God, we live within our own free will....and the choices we make within that free will determines how we experience this life.
Set apart in your hearts Christ as Lord. Such a simple sentence but such a profound action. Have we done this? Do our lives mirror this? Every day.....every where?
Life without Tae has been difficult. Yes, we are doing ok and fully place our trust in Him....but I have learned that this is a daily action....sometimes an hourly action. Christ is my Lord. Period. With that statement, comes with the belief that the Bible and words in it are Truth. Period. No deviation. I'm not talking about man's interpretations or how satan has managed to play on words.....but the pure word of God. There is a difference. Satan tries to weave doubt in our minds....but my heart has long been set on my Lord.
I don't even allow myself to look "left or right" anymore....that time has passed. There was a time in my early walk with God that I would entertain other possibilities or thoughts but the more I have experienced who He is and have seen what He has done.... No, this is my Lord and this who I will follow. Period. I realize this is outside of the current political correctness but....either He is or isn't.
My mind goes to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing persecution today. Dying for their steadfast belief in who is Lord of their life. I have no doubt that the faithfulness of God is pouring out upon them. While we look on through a worldly view lens, our Father in heaven protects His saints...... He has those who have set their hearts on Him as Lord of their lives in the palm of His hand. And, we can rest assured of that.

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