1 Peter 3:9
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing. Because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
I love that these words were written by Peter.... I wonder if he laughed at himself a bit as he wrote this.....or did he grimace with remembrance of the times when he quickly repaid evil with evil? Remember when the soldiers came to take Jesus and Peter quickly drew his sword and cut off the soldier's ear.....and just as quickly Jesus fixed it. Peter.....are you not listening? Have you not seen? Be kind. Don't be evil, too.
One of the best books of forgiveness I have ever read was regarding the Amish when a gunman entered their school and killed some of their own......and before the sun had set they were at the door of the gunman's house giving their forgiveness......refusing to play into the evil at hand. Choosing to respond differently.
This is large-scale forgiveness, right? But what about the car that cuts us off in traffic? I know people who are little different people behind the wheel of a car.....actions and behaviors they would never do so face to face....insult to insult. Or what about how we talk to our children, our husbands/wives?
Like Peter, the Holy Spirit has had a lot to work on with me..... Is evil in response ever justifiable? An insult either thought or spoken ever warranted? The world will say absolutely......but Christ calls us differently.
And those who are not believers, why should we be surprised when they act with evil or insult us? They have not been called to live set apart....but as God's children....we have. Expect evil acts upon you. Don't be caught surprised. Expect to be insulted. Don't be caught unaware. Be on guard.....be ready.
Be different.
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing. Because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
I love that these words were written by Peter.... I wonder if he laughed at himself a bit as he wrote this.....or did he grimace with remembrance of the times when he quickly repaid evil with evil? Remember when the soldiers came to take Jesus and Peter quickly drew his sword and cut off the soldier's ear.....and just as quickly Jesus fixed it. Peter.....are you not listening? Have you not seen? Be kind. Don't be evil, too.
One of the best books of forgiveness I have ever read was regarding the Amish when a gunman entered their school and killed some of their own......and before the sun had set they were at the door of the gunman's house giving their forgiveness......refusing to play into the evil at hand. Choosing to respond differently.
This is large-scale forgiveness, right? But what about the car that cuts us off in traffic? I know people who are little different people behind the wheel of a car.....actions and behaviors they would never do so face to face....insult to insult. Or what about how we talk to our children, our husbands/wives?
Like Peter, the Holy Spirit has had a lot to work on with me..... Is evil in response ever justifiable? An insult either thought or spoken ever warranted? The world will say absolutely......but Christ calls us differently.
And those who are not believers, why should we be surprised when they act with evil or insult us? They have not been called to live set apart....but as God's children....we have. Expect evil acts upon you. Don't be caught surprised. Expect to be insulted. Don't be caught unaware. Be on guard.....be ready.
Be different.

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