1 Peter 2:13-15
Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.
As Christians, as children of God, we are to be model citizens......not only following the laws of our government but using our words to support those who govern us. God isn't surprised by anything....therefore, those in authority have been placed there by His consent.... Good or bad persons of authority, we are to obey the laws of our land without commentary tearing them down. By doing this..doing good...we can silence the words of those who are foolish.
I have learned that it is so much more effective to disagree with someone and respectfully work alongside them, supporting the common cause and refraining from judgement. In my younger days, I felt it was more about principle.....we all had to know where each other stood as those boundaries had to be evident for all to see....that wasn't Christ-like at all. Without words, everyone that you encounter should know whose you are and where you stand. By your actions, by your chosen responses, they should know....and you will either silence ignorant talk or you will be part of that ignorant talk.
Christ walked among many different kinds of people. He was under the authority of rulers that were not believers....yet, there was never a question as to Whom He ultimately answered to.... By His actions, every day....everyone knew.
We are under the rule and authority of those that are not believers. My family is under the authority and rulings of those that..., well, let's just say are not followers. Yet, to raise words against them... to refuse to follow their authority...would cause us to loose our ability to be effective missionaries in this country. Be respectful, be the peacemakers....live in such a way that even those who criticize us, as children of God, in their time of need will seek us out asking for prayer to our Father....asking for guidance. Will they seek an ask if they know beforehand that they will have to walk through hatred? No, but if they know they will encounter love....respect for their held position, they will seek us out and then they will listen.
There is no question that we serve God first....that He is our ultimate authority.....but He has called us to choose to live in such a way that we draw others to Him. Not all of our leaders will be Christian....we will probably come to a place in history where they will be in the minority....some of our sisters and brothers already live like this... So how are we to respond? According to our early scriptures, we are to rid ourselves of all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander...all. This includes our elected and appointed officials..... Be the peacemakers.
Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.
As Christians, as children of God, we are to be model citizens......not only following the laws of our government but using our words to support those who govern us. God isn't surprised by anything....therefore, those in authority have been placed there by His consent.... Good or bad persons of authority, we are to obey the laws of our land without commentary tearing them down. By doing this..doing good...we can silence the words of those who are foolish.
I have learned that it is so much more effective to disagree with someone and respectfully work alongside them, supporting the common cause and refraining from judgement. In my younger days, I felt it was more about principle.....we all had to know where each other stood as those boundaries had to be evident for all to see....that wasn't Christ-like at all. Without words, everyone that you encounter should know whose you are and where you stand. By your actions, by your chosen responses, they should know....and you will either silence ignorant talk or you will be part of that ignorant talk.
Christ walked among many different kinds of people. He was under the authority of rulers that were not believers....yet, there was never a question as to Whom He ultimately answered to.... By His actions, every day....everyone knew.
We are under the rule and authority of those that are not believers. My family is under the authority and rulings of those that..., well, let's just say are not followers. Yet, to raise words against them... to refuse to follow their authority...would cause us to loose our ability to be effective missionaries in this country. Be respectful, be the peacemakers....live in such a way that even those who criticize us, as children of God, in their time of need will seek us out asking for prayer to our Father....asking for guidance. Will they seek an ask if they know beforehand that they will have to walk through hatred? No, but if they know they will encounter love....respect for their held position, they will seek us out and then they will listen.
There is no question that we serve God first....that He is our ultimate authority.....but He has called us to choose to live in such a way that we draw others to Him. Not all of our leaders will be Christian....we will probably come to a place in history where they will be in the minority....some of our sisters and brothers already live like this... So how are we to respond? According to our early scriptures, we are to rid ourselves of all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander...all. This includes our elected and appointed officials..... Be the peacemakers.

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