1 Peter 2 18-21
Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow his steps.
Christ left us an example.
It is a joke around my house that before I embark on any "new" activity or experience, I read everything I can find on the topic. I have owned so many "self-help" books....that it is almost embarrassing. Good books. Recommended books. Books of the New York Times best seller list..... Several years ago, I decided to train for an adventure race and needed to start running for the first time. I read for two months before I ever laced up my running shoes....
I have done the same thing with my walk in faith. I have read books on how to pray, how to be a better Christian wife, how to raise my children, how to have a better Christian marriage..... Praying for the "10 practical steps" that I can do in order to do this right. Give me a checklist. I would meet amazingly Godly people and either try to emulate their lives or try to figure out what it was....what they did that made them different in this journey with Christ.
And one day, God led me again to the story about the rich young ruler....and I saw it in a different light. Here was a man that truly
wanted to follow Christ, had followed the "list" and yet still wasn't quite there.....and he knew it. He knew it. Just as we know when we aren't where we are to be.... And he asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. And this is where I always in the past had focused on him not being able to give up his riches to follow Christ..... Instead of fully focusing on what came before..... He knew and he had obeyed all of the commandments that Christ listed and he still only called him "Good Teacher" not Lord...not Savior. In spite of following the rules and extremely practical advice, he still was not a follower of Christ.
So what was it that he was missing? It wasn't only because he was wealthy because other wealthy people didn't have to give up their riches...
What God showed me that day was that it wasn't about a list, a method, a best way.....it was about an only way. Him. Christ is our example. He is who we follow. Books are great and I LOVE to read......but we need to be sure it is Him we are seeking and not just seeking. I tell my students who are studying for tests not to spend so much time preparing to study and organizing what they are going to study that they run out of time for studying for the test itself! Let's be careful and not spend too much of our time preparing, organizing and trying to find the perfect devotional, Bible....that when our time is finished here......we have yet to actually have a relationship with Him.
It is Jesus. Quite simple. We try to make it harder than it is.... He is the example. Not your pastor, not your mentor, not me.....not Taellor. To try to emulate others lives would result in trying to live a life planned by God....but a life that is not your own. Seek Christ..... Follow Him....and be prepared to experience a life that is literally not of this world.
Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow his steps.
Christ left us an example.
It is a joke around my house that before I embark on any "new" activity or experience, I read everything I can find on the topic. I have owned so many "self-help" books....that it is almost embarrassing. Good books. Recommended books. Books of the New York Times best seller list..... Several years ago, I decided to train for an adventure race and needed to start running for the first time. I read for two months before I ever laced up my running shoes....
I have done the same thing with my walk in faith. I have read books on how to pray, how to be a better Christian wife, how to raise my children, how to have a better Christian marriage..... Praying for the "10 practical steps" that I can do in order to do this right. Give me a checklist. I would meet amazingly Godly people and either try to emulate their lives or try to figure out what it was....what they did that made them different in this journey with Christ.
And one day, God led me again to the story about the rich young ruler....and I saw it in a different light. Here was a man that truly
wanted to follow Christ, had followed the "list" and yet still wasn't quite there.....and he knew it. He knew it. Just as we know when we aren't where we are to be.... And he asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. And this is where I always in the past had focused on him not being able to give up his riches to follow Christ..... Instead of fully focusing on what came before..... He knew and he had obeyed all of the commandments that Christ listed and he still only called him "Good Teacher" not Lord...not Savior. In spite of following the rules and extremely practical advice, he still was not a follower of Christ.
So what was it that he was missing? It wasn't only because he was wealthy because other wealthy people didn't have to give up their riches...
What God showed me that day was that it wasn't about a list, a method, a best way.....it was about an only way. Him. Christ is our example. He is who we follow. Books are great and I LOVE to read......but we need to be sure it is Him we are seeking and not just seeking. I tell my students who are studying for tests not to spend so much time preparing to study and organizing what they are going to study that they run out of time for studying for the test itself! Let's be careful and not spend too much of our time preparing, organizing and trying to find the perfect devotional, Bible....that when our time is finished here......we have yet to actually have a relationship with Him.
It is Jesus. Quite simple. We try to make it harder than it is.... He is the example. Not your pastor, not your mentor, not me.....not Taellor. To try to emulate others lives would result in trying to live a life planned by God....but a life that is not your own. Seek Christ..... Follow Him....and be prepared to experience a life that is literally not of this world.

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