Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 3, 2014.... I Am Not Lost in This World

1 Peter 2:24-25

He himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

The Overseer of my soul. He's our Comforter, the Great I Am, my Protector, my Shield, the Great Physician, the way the truth and the light.....and the list could go on and on..... And the Overseer of my soul.

As we make our way through today, the Sabbath....let us pause and reflect on the Overseer of our souls. That means that whatever happens in the here and now....whether I encounter trials, pain or success, I can rest assured that my soul is guarded and protected by the Almighty.

My mother gave me a special diamond ring when Taellor was born. Beautiful ring that I wore constantly....until the day when the stone fell out of the setting. Distraught, Travis and I looked for hours in the place that I knew where I had lost it....until I finally came to the reality that it was forever lost to me. About four months later, mom was diagnosed with cancer. While I was sitting by her bedside in MD Anderson, Mom reached over and asked about the ring she had never seen me without....not wanting to upset her or.....endure the wrath of my mother:).... I told her it was home since I didn't want to risk loosing it. (Or a portion of it was anyway). After Mom passed away, I had decided to make some major changes in our God directed, I obeyed.....however, one morning I woke up and worldly thoughts filled my head. As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed something shining in our utility room floor. As I got closer, I realized it was the stone that had been lost over a year a completely different location.....sitting smack dab in the middle of the utility room door right over the path that I would walk that morning.

Now, I ask that you trust that we did sweep and mop those floors over that year's time! As I reveled in His incredible power...... I found myself for probably the first time catching a glimpse at just how much He cares. In light of this world, that stone means very little. In light of my soul, it means even less. But in my heart, that stone is absolutely precious and He knew that. I felt like He was saying......"See what I can do. I've got this......with the most loving kindness imaginable, I've got this."

As Overseer of my soul, I know He's "got me" right in the palm of His hand......just as He had Tae when her time here was completed. This means as we strive to be obedient to our Father and follow His path in this life we can rest knowing that that the Almighty is our Shephard.....and as His sheep we will not be lost in this world no matter how desperate times might seem...... Rest assured the Great Shepherd that Oversees our souls is a constant in this world of chaos and darkness....
— with Taellor Stearns.
Photo: 1 Peter 2:24-25

He himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.  For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

The Overseer of my soul. He's our Comforter, the Great I Am, my Protector, my Shield, the Great Physician, the way the truth and the light.....and the list could go on and on..... And the Overseer of my soul.

As we make our way through today, the Sabbath....let us pause and reflect on the Overseer of our souls. That means that whatever happens in the here and now....whether I encounter trials, pain or success, I can rest assured that my soul is guarded and protected by the Almighty.

My mother gave me a special diamond ring when Taellor was born. Beautiful ring that I wore constantly....until the day when the stone fell out of the setting.  Distraught, Travis and I looked for hours in the place that I knew where I had lost it....until I finally came to the reality that it was forever lost to me.  About four months later, mom was diagnosed with cancer.  While I was sitting by her bedside in MD Anderson, Mom reached over and asked about the ring she had never seen me without....not wanting to upset her or.....endure the wrath of my mother:).... I told her it was home since I didn't want to risk loosing it. (Or a portion of it was anyway). After Mom passed away, I had decided to make some major changes in our God directed, I obeyed.....however, one morning I woke up and worldly thoughts filled my head.  As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed something shining in our utility room floor.  As I got closer, I realized it was the stone that had been lost over a year a completely different location.....sitting smack dab in the middle of the utility room door right over the path that I would walk that morning.

Now, I ask that you trust that we did sweep and mop those floors over that year's time! As I reveled in His incredible power...... I found myself for probably the first time catching a glimpse at just how much He cares.  In light of this world, that stone means very little.  In light of my soul, it means even less.  But in my heart, that stone is absolutely precious and He knew that.  I felt like He was saying......"See what I can do.  I've got this......with the most loving kindness imaginable, I've got this."

As Overseer of my soul, I know He's "got me" right in the palm of His hand......just as He had Tae when her time here was completed. This means as we strive to be obedient to our Father and follow His path in this life we can rest knowing that that the Almighty is our Shephard.....and as His sheep we will not be lost in this world no matter how desperate times might seem...... Rest assured the Great Shepherd that Oversees our souls is a constant in this world of chaos and darkness....

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