Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 10, 2014....Love, Simple, Pure..Untainted Love.

1 Peter 3:7

Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

And this is how it is supposed to work.....on both sides there is to be reverence for each other.... Respect, love, trust, dignity.

And this is how in my mind I was able to reconcile the whole submissive text. As a world, we have once again taken words that were meant to create good, harmony.... A heavenly partnership that results in the greatest team imaginable..... and by a world tainted by evil, these words have been used to oppress, place women in bondage, beat, damage, subdue and control......sometimes even in the name of God. Oh my.....and no wonder our relationships are where they wonder instead of loving those that have been given to us....we often times fear complete trust. No wonder our closest relationships may not be with our own mates but rather those on the outside.

Men. In the same way. In the same way. There is no part in that which suggests she should walk behind you, that she is your property, that you are her "master"... Sarah call Abraham "Master" out of reverence that was earned....not demanded.....out of obedience to Her Father in Heaven not because it was demanded from her husband.....And, my friends, there is a big difference.

As part of the weaker sex thing... Took me a long while to accept but for the most part, men are physically stronger than women, yes? Physically, they are. There are some men (even my own husband) that I can (and have) gone "toe- to- toe" with.... I used to do a few martial arts tournaments, and at times would be placed to fight in the men's division. I loved it. Loved the rawness, loved the no drama, no fluff....just game on. Even was placed against my Travis, and won. Did it mean I was stronger than him? Not at all.....quicker, more agile, more experienced, maybe. But not stronger. Does it mean as a woman I am less? No.... Again, we have taken words and allowed satan to have a field day in manipulating their intent.....

The greatest partnerships, I believe are those that look past the worldly ideas and place full-focus on Christ.... Pure focus that results in such a heavenly relationship that the world will take notice and ask how? As men choose to honor their wives with the purest of hearts selfishly loving them in a manner that builds them up to their greatest potential....God will reward. But for those who have bought into the "worldly design" of using God's words for their own personal pleasure and gain......He tells u here why your prayers aren't being answered.

Love..Simple, pure, untainted love.

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