2 Peter 3:15
Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.
Peter and Paul.
I love the relationship that exists between Scriptures of the two. They both were used by God to write Scriptures that focused on different portions of His Word. Paul tends to focus more on salvation and grace where as Peter tends to focus more on a Christian's life and how we should live. They compliment each other. They, to me, represent how we as Christians should be in our world today. Each of us has been given gifts from the Father. Things for each us to contribute and impart into this world. And, like Paul and Peter, they are all unique and different. Yet even in their differences, they are all centered on the firm foundation of Christ. They point, without contraindications, fully to Him.
Why then do we see so much conflict amongst believers serving God's people? Why do we experience gifts being used not to reach the lost but rather being used to elevate oneself....as if the gifts were our own making? Why, instead of encouragement steeped in sisterly and brotherly love, do we see wickedness lightly covered with "sweetness and hospitality"...yet, wickedness at its core?
We don't need the world to persecute us. We, as Christians, if we are not careful do a mighty job ourselves. In our haste to elevate our own deeds, we inadvertently discredit our brother's work. In our desire to be known or to receive credit, we bring a shadow of doubt upon our sister's testimony. In our need to satisfy our fleshly desires, we create adversity where there should only be solidarity. We allow satan to stir amongst our circles. We gossip within, we lie within, we withhold compliments and encouragement.....even when prompted by the Holy Spirit. We disobey. We forget that in God's eyes we can all hold a special place....there isn't just one lead position. Everybody serves a lead position in God's plan. The lead position in what He has given each of us to do....and that position is important whether it be to lead the masses on this earth or to hold a newborn baby in the nursery.
Peter and Paul got this. They were so in awe with their Father that they were wholeheartedly sold out to Him. There wasn't room for any petty grappling between them. They understood that they each were serving the same God, the same purpose, the same faith. Instead of using each other as a stepping stone, they used each other to bring solidarity to our faith. They used our faith to encourage each other in times of adversity.
We have been called to be different from this world and yet within our Christian circles there are many that have been hurt....and there are many that have hurt. It is time to choose to be different and not just model Christianity but truly live it....down to the smallest detail in our world. We share a faith that God would ask every soul is important...every soul. We proclaim that any presentation of the gospel is success even if just one responds. We celebrate and cheer when salvations occur....but do we mourn likewise when, because of our actions, someone is driven from their position of faith. Do we mourn when we either verdantly or inadvertently cause another pain so that we might feel better?
Encourage one another. Truly encourage one another. I have been surprised to step into some circles and find selfless encouragement where I thought I would find turfs on faith...true Kingdom building mentality. And likewise, I have been speechless to have stepped into some circles expecting deep Christian fellowship, only to find the greatest insecurities....leading to turf battles within our Christian faith. Battle between believers over "turfs" within our faith! And, we then expect the lost world to listen when we proclaim the Truth....
Be different today. Let's search our hearts and ask God to reveal to us where we have been withholding encouragement and let's encourage. Pray for those that God has brought into your world to serve alongside. Use each other to strength the sweet flavor of His Truth...so that all might believe.

thanks tammy
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