2 Peter 3:14
So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with Him.
I remember when I first believed....Really believed.....And then I remember the realization of what this would mean for my life if I decided to follow Him. While we weren't "bad" in a worldly sense, there were certain aspects of my life that would need to change. Would they have to change? No, they wouldn't have to....Nobody has to do anything but live and die, right? Or at least this was the argument that my flesh literally consumed my mind. "But I don't want to. But it really isn't bad. But everyone is doing it. Maybe He doesn't mean literally. I'm not hurting anyone. It is just for fun." And then, I started studying about His second coming....and I knew that there were certain places and things that I had been doing that I didn't want to be found doing upon His return.
Not out of fear but rather out of shame. Not because of a directive but because of my desire to be at peace with Him....at all times. This doesn't come easy....and I fail miserably at it sometimes. As the Holy Spirit reminds me of Whose I am, I am reminded that it takes effort to be different. It takes effort to be spotless and blameless in this world. And while it is true, very true, that we can't please everyone....we can't. So it is imperative that we align our lives to please Him and only Him so that we stand on a foundation that is firm and secure...that doesn't change to suit our will but rather provides a basis to build our will upon.
Effort. Hard Work. Determination and perseverance.
That is what it takes to be spotless, blameless and at peace with Him. It takes work. We just don't happen into it. We just don't coincidentally fall into His will...we must work hard. The key, though, I believe is in the use of great discernment in where we place the sweat of our brow. We can literally work ourselves to the ground in activities, programs and the busyness of this world. Through this, we accomplish great things and, yet, we still sometimes find ourselves at odds with someone. Whether it be our family for being neglected, the people we serve with or the people we serve, somebody, somewhere will be unhappy with what we have done....no matter how we work. No matter how hard to have tried to create the perfect meal, the perfect holiday, the perfect plan.
However, if we seek to be at peace with Him...to be blameless and spotless in His eyes, we will find a stick upon to measure our lives that doesn't change. That doesn't seek to hurt us. That doesn't desire to secretly see us fail....but rather a measure that rejoices in our very creation. Imagine, to be valued solely for Whose we are....and the most incredible thing of all is that we don't have to imagine it...it is real, here for the taking. We just have to accept it. We just have to allow our hearts to be loved...unconditionally. A love that truly sets out to guide us to be the best us that we can be.
My Tae decorating our food package bags last year......
