1 Timothy 1:7
They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.
This one baffles me.
Paul, again, is referring to false teachers. Teachers who want to teach God's Word even though they just don't get it. They profess vehemently with their mouths, pledge their devotion and garner many followers...yet they have not a clue what they are really teaching.
I think that when we hear the words false teacher our mind conjectures images of hapless speakers, well-spoken salesmen and other easily identifiable therefore easily dismissible characteristics. However much as the evil in this world masquerades as all shiny and smooth so do those who speak falsely regarding God's Word.
They speak easily of His faithfulness. They speak eloquently of His love and forgiveness, yet, they themselves have not a clue as to the realness of the Words they speak. With charisma that would lull the depths of complacency into action, they quickly gather devoted followers and supporters. As they impart His Word to those that gather, they are quick to hold all at arms bay...not too get to involved, too deep or too real. Much like the Wizard of Oz, one great big show, pleasing to the eyes and impactful to the senses but a fraud, none the less.
And this is where I become baffled.... Do they really know so little of God's Word that they don't get that this is real? I mean as in the parting of the seas, turning water into wine, plagues and eternal judgement real! This isn't some easily forgotten hoax nor quick buck to be made sort of deal....this is real. They play on a playing ground that goes way beyond their spiritual depth.
And then I realize, that they really do not know. They have been deceived by the greatest of deceptors. They've been shown a way to live that involves sharing God's Word without really ever living it...they've been played...and they have bought it hook, line and sinker. And as with any sin, it starts off small and works to envelope our all life...leading us to the road of destruction...as does this one.
I know look upon teachers of God's Word differently. I look past the smoothness or the lack of polish on their presented Words and look at their lives... Is there fruit or are they surrounded by legalistic borders? Do they share stories and real-life encounters that are....really real? Do they exude the love of Christ and show it in their daily walk?
I've met my fair share of false teachers...and by each of them I was initially blindsided....then I was speechless. To see the curtain pulled back and to see "the show" instead of Truth hurt. Yet, we are warned time and time again that they exist....and they do.
For those of us that teach, fair warning. Don't just teach to fill a slot or to gain worldly favor...to teach God's Word comes with great responsibility and with it great persecution from satan. Don't take the responsibility lightly nor with pride...it is an honor and privilege.
God's Word...whether your wish to partake or not, is real. You can amass worldly gains from it...but the eternal ramifications will be costly.
hi tammy
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing