I officially purchased our tickets for Nicaragua today.....Leaving December 31s! We will literally start the new year in Nicaragua!!!!
I've been reading the devotional book "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young...I am continuously reminded that my every moment, every thought should be focused on Christ. We are now referring to our move as the "Transition time". During this "Transition Time", I am acutely aware of the changes within our family. Devon (our oldest) has moved into his own apartment. Our home that we have lived in for 18 years is slowly being emptied of its contents. Slaton received his acceptance letter into the preschool and the address to the school is in Managua. Taellor is finishing up her senior year in high school. A viable (and God-willing) interested candidate for my position at PCC has demonstrated interest. Changes that highlight the transition of our family.
A couple of days ago, one of my cousins passed away. I was able with my brother and father to visit him one last time in the hospital along with his mother and two sisters. The memories of our journey with mom and the last couple of months of her life came flooding back. Michael would follow my blog posts from Houston...sending words of encouragement along the way. We had seen each other quite often as kids down at my grandmothers....I vividly remember playing outside with him and his brothers. He loved baseball then and could quote stats from it seemed like almost any player. We grew up and went on with our lives and then in the last year we began to connect again on Facebook....for that I am grateful. He was such a happy person...and kind...kind with compassion. I was reminded all to intimately again that death can come at anytime..in any moment. I was reminded that this world is not our home...that our time on this earth will pass. In a blink of an eye, what we thought we knew.....no longer exists in this realm.
This Thanksgiving Holiday...I am reminded of what I am thankful for and the list is endless but as I was sharing this with a friend who isn't convinced that Nicaragua is a smart-move...she asked, "Then why would you leave all that you are thankful for?" but see that's what I am thankful for most of all...is that I have been given the amazing opportunity to take all that I have learned, experienced, endured, ect from all of the things that I have that I am the most thankful for and be able to use them to be obedient to the call.
Thanks again for your encouragement during this Transition time!
Happy Thanksgiving!
A lot of great things are in store for you. I continue to pray for you and your family during this transition.