These are his last words.
I think back to my father's last words...his last days on this earth. I remember how I saw his faith strengthen as his earthly strength started to fade. During his life, he didn't speak outwardly much about his faith. He actually held it pretty close to his chest, however, when faced to his end here, He spoke mightily and outwardly to all who would listen. And the words weren't spoken as a walking dead man spewing his last bit of hope, but rather as one who seemed to understand deeper the closer and closer he was getting towards the end of his time on this earth.
Perhaps death brings clarity.
Clarity. A reminder in what matters, what will be left when the end comes. A reminder of the residual. Earthly provisions no longer hold their value as we slowly get closer to our heavenly home. Reality sets in as we realize that we are tethered less and less to this earth but rather find that our souls are drawn to Him in a manner that we have never gotten to experience before. Slowly, the bonds that hold us here gradually become less and less. Not in actual strength or importance but rather we find ourselves experiencing strength of such a magnitude of proportions that our greatest loves become not the greatest anymore.
And that is okay.
That doesn't belittle or change anything that we have experienced on this earth. Doesn't negate or dissolve any of our relationships or loves but rather opens our soul to an experience in which we were created to be. No longer held back by the decay of this world, no longer limited by the depravity of evil but rather exalted into the glory that our souls have always sought. Finally, at rest in the place in which we were always meant to be.
Timothy knew where he was going and his last words were written with such passion and courage that inspire and propel us to keep our eyes on the horizon for each of us will one day have a final word on this earth. A final thought, a final day....may it encourage and propel.
Live worthy.
Clarity. A reminder in what matters, what will be left when the end comes. A reminder of the residual. Earthly provisions no longer hold their value as we slowly get closer to our heavenly home. Reality sets in as we realize that we are tethered less and less to this earth but rather find that our souls are drawn to Him in a manner that we have never gotten to experience before. Slowly, the bonds that hold us here gradually become less and less. Not in actual strength or importance but rather we find ourselves experiencing strength of such a magnitude of proportions that our greatest loves become not the greatest anymore.
And that is okay.
That doesn't belittle or change anything that we have experienced on this earth. Doesn't negate or dissolve any of our relationships or loves but rather opens our soul to an experience in which we were created to be. No longer held back by the decay of this world, no longer limited by the depravity of evil but rather exalted into the glory that our souls have always sought. Finally, at rest in the place in which we were always meant to be.
Timothy knew where he was going and his last words were written with such passion and courage that inspire and propel us to keep our eyes on the horizon for each of us will one day have a final word on this earth. A final thought, a final day....may it encourage and propel.
Live worthy.